The boardwalk at Corkscrew is 2.5 miles long, and we did it twice - it was amazing to see so much - and it was 72 degrees, to boot! This is an immature little blue heron - aren't his green legs cool?

The barred owl never came out of the leaves - he was one reason we went around the second time, but he was still almost hidden.

John got the vireo, I was having camera problems when we saw this guy. My big glass stopped focusing, and I had to use a much shorter one. I think I need to send it off to be checked next winter...It seems OK; the problem this time seemed to be in the 2X converter, so I had to drop back to 1.4. I was, to say the least, a bit frustrated.

There were a lot of anhinga; I think they are funny.

And, of course, alligators. I'm not really a "gator person," but dutifully made their picture - this mama was on guard.
I would agree with you on the gator idea.The birds look great.
Wow Helen--- Just think--you got alot of good exercise at the Corkscrew boardwalk and got to see some 'beauties' at the same time.. WELL--maybe some people would call the gators beauties--but not me... The tiny green heron is gorgeous.
I posed some bird questions on my blog today which you could answer for me please --if you have time.
Boy, you saw a lot more than I did! I barely saw one anhinga.
72 degrees and a barred owl! Does it get better than that?!
Great birds Helen! I'm not a gator person either!
That color of green is so neat! Lots of sights to see there. Love mama gator. :c)
Great shots! I don't like gators either and am glad they don't live around here, but they do look fascinating in photos! Love the little heron...the legs blend right in with the leaves. Such a pretty little bird. How cool to see an owl, even if you couldn't see him very well!
Nice shots of owl & gators. Looks like the weather is nice too!
What a beautiful area this must be and you really got to see alot. It looks so tropical to me.
Helen: You did an outstanding job of spotting on your walk. I'd like to walk there one day.
I need to catch up on some of the neat posts I've missed because of my health.
I enjoyed catching up on your blog. You got a lot of beautiful images on your trip and the photo of your mother is very special.
I can see why you went around twice..great exercise and great birds to photograph! Love the barred owl..even tho he was shy! I've never seen a vireo but would love to someday! So glad you are enjoying the nice temps..sunshine always puts a positive spin on our day!!
The overall tint on that heron is really interesting. And I don't get to see Vireo's too often. Your The owl was quite the treasure to see. Looks like a great trip.
I'm not a 'gator' person either Helen. Why do we have to have such things in the World.
Those green legs are awesome! I think you meant to say little blue heron instead of little green heron.
Excellent photos!
I loved that green heron! his legs almost don't look real! I wish that owl would've given you a bit more of a peek!
What a fantastic collection of birds Helen, good for you for seeing all those species and thanks for sharing :-)
The blue heron was in the right "pose" for you to take a pic :) Thanks for commenting on my blog!
I didn't realized I'd missed so much. I'm glad I had a chance to catch up to what you've been posting. What a treat for me and thank you for sharing!
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