Saturday, August 4, 2007


Whoa! We got up before 5 and headed to Shenandoah. Didn't quite make our goal of getting out before sunrise (just couldn't get up at 4:30 - ungodly hour!) But we were there in time to snap some of the "early birds"....and a few furry critters as well.
Chipmunks were the first living things we saw.

My favorite photo of the day....Female (or possibly 1st year male) redstart.

Same bird.

Black and white warbler.

Chestnut-sided warbler.

Female hooded warbler.

Male hooded warbler.

And another female...(who can blame them - he's very handsome.)

Eastern wood pee-wee. I love these guys - something about them is just so sweet.

Lots of young juncos. Maybe this one will come stay at my house this winter. was nearby, but the baby was straying off a bit. Very brave.

"Are you friendly, lady?"

Having breakfast.

I guess they were having breakfast too.

1 comment:

Aunt "B's" Backyard said...

Gee, they are just beautiful!! I love the black-hooded warbler. I would love to see them. All of the shots are prize-winning. Great Job, bird lady!