Remember that song? Well it was very fitting at Shenandoh yesterday! We saw more bears than we have total in all our other trips to the park. They were close, but behind a lot of brush.....They were all over the place - several times along Skyline Dr we stopped to watch them.

I see you, but bet you can't see me!

I got a bazillion fawn shots!

I loved this one with the grass blowing.

"God's in His heaven; all's right with the world."
What a great day! Wow! Bears, and fawns, and heaven, oh my!
What beautiful photos! How exciting to capture a bear, and a fawn...magical day! I love that scenic shot too, gorgeous!
How wonderful was that drive? The bears are delightful!
The pictures are all fantastic,but the last one together with the verse is awesome.
We saw a bear on our property for the first time this year. I think they're moving south :-)
Lovely set Helen.
Must be great to see bears up close like that, and get pictures too. The fawn is a beauty.
That must have been a really fun drive. Your pictures beautiful. I can especially identify with the last one. When I was a teenager (it has been a while ago) my parents took us on a trip along Skyline Drive. We entered the area in the evening, and it was so, so foggy, you could hardly see your hand in front of you. We found a place to stay for the night; and when we got up in the morning, our view was similar to your last picture. Definitely a God inspired scene.
Beautiful photos. Thank you for sharing. God gave us a beautiful world to enjoy.
Oh my, you were pretty close to those little bears..good to see them thru the tall grass tho..but those little fawns..just too cute!!
Nice to see you back..Hope you have a nice weekend!
Helen: What wonderful captures from the wild. You caught them both beautifully.
What beautiful images Helen! Glad that bear was not noticing you! :c) Have a happy 4th!
Wow, great shots!! They are wonderful!
NICE shots! Happy 4th to you and yours....
Wow Helen that is about as exciting as it gets. Your photos are incredible and you have given us a wonderful gift by sharing them. Thank you very, very much. Hope you had a great 4th of July.
It's nice to see the bears are plentiful in Virginia. That gives us some hope. The fawn is darling. The last photo does look like a blessing on that lovely place.
Love the fawn shots and the bears...wow.
Wow what a nice day you got... I would have been a bit scared with the bears. I'm not really use to see them... What about you? What is not to scary? After all they can damage cars and kill people!! It is nice thought that you can get pictures! The pictures of the fawn are beautiful too, I love them very much! Well done on such a nice nature day!
That black one isn't very cuddly Helen, but the Fawn is
a beauty.
Wow, Helen, my FAVORITE animal. Beautiful shots!!
What fun. Out and about and seeing bears too.
I have a small watercolor that looks exactly like the first photograph! What a great series of pictures.
Hi Helen, Looks like you had a fabulous time driving in the Shenandoah area... Glad you were in your car though!!!! ha
Great photos... I love seeing the fawns. We saw one today in our area.
Excellent photography. I give bears a wide berth.
Those images of the bear in habitat are lovely, it should have been an exciting encounter...Thomas
Good morning!
I meandered over from :Garden Delights: and saw your blog in her favorites~ as I love birds, I had to stop by. Your title photo is stunning and post :Teddy Bears' Picnic: was wonderful to read with my second cup of coffee :)
Thank you for the inspirations ~Maria
Sorry I haven't seen this sooner. I haven't been blogging as much lately.
It's good to see that you had the bear and fawn encounters. I have actually gotten some good video of SNP bears, but very little in the way of still photos.
I know I'm slipping, because I still have not gone to the park yet this summer. Thanks for showing what I am missing.
so sorry I had been absent lately.. sooooo busy this summer. Loved this post so much. The bear picture is the best! and of course the fawns are so cute. Love them! And yes! It's all heaven
Such great bear pictures! And the fawn looks so delicate and sweet. Wow!
A bazzilion fawn shots is always good!
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