Wednesday, May 27, 2009


John (Maine Nature Photos) commented on my last post that only Thumper was missing. So yesterday I went out and whistled up a bunny. Here he is - Thumper! I don't think I'll be looking hard for Flower - actually there is a skunk somewhere out in the woods behind my house - I can't sleep with the windows open!


Tami said...



Roses and Lilacs said...

I see Thumper's cousins around here.

Last night I went outside and broke up a raccoon fight. They were screaming and carrying on so bad no one could sleep. Glad they weren't 'Flowers'.

abb said...

A cutie...until he gets into my garden. ;-)

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh how cute... Thumper he is!!!!!! NO---don't want any skunks near, do we??? We keep the windows open here--so some nights, we do wake up with their wonderful aroma... ha


NCmountainwoman said...

How sweet! Yep, I'd decide against a photograph of Flower as well.

2sweetnsaxy said...

What a cutie. I captured one (photos), the other day but haven't found a place to post them yet. It's a much smaller guy than yours.

Too bad about the skunk. I've seen one once near sunset and I couldn't get a clear shot of it.

Tina said...

too cute..yea, you don't want to even find that Flower was visiting you during the night..let alone come out for you to get her pix!! lol
Been there with the dog..ugg

holdingmoments said...

They always look so cuddly, but certainly have big appetites.

Shelley said...

Thumper looks healthy and beautiful! have you been feeding him carrots??? :-)

Arija said...

Beautifull bunny having a nibble...
luckily not on your prize pansies...

John Theberge said...

Cute, I can hear him banging that foot now!

Aunt "B's" Backyard said...

Gosh, your're pretty good, Helen. Did you have a magic wand with that 'whistle'? If so, could I borrow it so I can bring in some bear cubs??
Serene shot!!

DeniseinVA said...

He's a cutie! Love your photos Helen, always a joy to come here.

2sweetnsaxy said...

What a cutie!