I apologize for this being way too long, but it might very well be 2 weeks again before I can get back to it. The problem is, when I post, I take forever to look at all your wonderful blogs, so I keep putting it off till I have time - and that never happens. So here is a look at my backyard, at the birds enjoying my Mr Bird pecan log, and a couple that we got today at Occaquan NWR nearby. There are a couple of shots at the end that are pretty bad, but the white-throated sparrow and the dove seemed to be deep in conversation, and the cardinal pair was just so lovely. There is a surprise at the end. I just looked at most of the blogs I normally follow...everything is so beautiful. Most of these photos are too dark, but they were fine till I posted them....????

Look at me...I can stand on one leg!

Back in town..

Windy day...

He sat there a long time, but he would never move from behind that twig.


NO, NO, NO, NO! It's not for you!

Beautiful assortment of birds.That strawberry makes my mouth water.
Wonderful to see all of your beautiful birdy friends! That blue jay looked very crisp and handsome - like he just finished grooming himself for photos!
The first pic is really Stunning.
Great series and hope your internet connection is okey now.
Glad to see you back, Helen... I know what you mean when it comes to getting overwhelmed with so much to do... I try to keep up with everyone's blogs and then do one myself, and sometimes I find myself staying up 'til midnight... Yipes!!!
Love all of your bird pictures... I always do!!!! The Bluebirds are still my fav's---but I love those Cardinals.
Helen: I do miss your wonderful photos when time is limited. These are some wonderful captures and I'm sure several will make it to your cards.
I'm improving but still am a little up and down health wise.
Absolutely beautiful pictures!!!
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs~ T
Its often good to take some time off and go in the direction that feels right for the moment.
Your birds look happy though and strawberries are a great way to treat one's self. Yummy indeed.
This is where I was supposed to post isn't it? I shall just repeat myself but these are fantastic!
I like all of your photos and can say that we have all of your birds here too. I wish I had that berry here right now. Yum. It looks good. The rabbits get mine and the birds get or got my blackberries last summer. My cherry tree got knocked over by hurricane Ike and I don't know what to use to replace it. At my age I would not get to see another Cherry tree bear fruit. Which is kind of depressing.
I understand completely about the time commitment to blogging. I've eased up on commenting through hundreds of blogs when participating in photo memes. My stats have dropped as a result. The law of reciprocity is alive and well. It is what it is. Glad to see you...for a moment anyway! Enjoyed the photos...no clue why they turned dark.
My photos have been doing that too lately Helen. I post them looking just fine and then they look all dark and grainy when they post?? What's up with that?
Love seeing all your visitors!
Nice to see your wonderful photographs again. I especially love the windy shot. And, of course, your bluebirds.
That was fun! Loved your surprise ending.
I find when I upload pics they're always much lighter than what was in iPhoto. I have to make them really dark in iPhoto to get them to look "natural". It's frustrating!
Hope we ~see~ you soon!
Thanks for the strawberry! It looks absolutely delicious! Loved the thrasher among them all, in which all were very good!
Wow Helen...you really did see a lot of birds in the backyard!! They all seem to like you taking their pictures. The Thrasher is one of my fav. and I loved your 'strawberry' MMMMMMmmmm
A wonderful display of so many different birds. How lucky you are to have them all coming to your backyard!! Those blue birds are always so cute and such puff balls! ...and of course that strawberry looked pretty yummy..
Glad you are back blogging..you always post such nice sharp pics and in such neat poses!!
Always wonderful to see your photos when you have time! A strawberry, already? Wow! I'm ready.
Welcome back. No one's busy in spring are they?! ;)
Another great set of photos on your return Helen. Happy Easter.
A beautiful series of birds. The strawberry was a surprise. It really looks good.
Beautiful series of bird images. The image of the Starling is my favorite in this series.
Hi Helen, I hope you had a wonderful Easter. Your photos here are wonderful as always, a joy to see all those little birds.
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