Sunday, January 18, 2009

Out the window....

They never fail me - every day they visit. In fact, several of them spend most of the day on my back porch.

I'm really enjoying these funny little guys........bookends.

I'm not sure where the color went when I uploaded this - he looks all muted.

Funny little bandit - he's eating suet-covered peanuts - not meant for him!

I love the juncos - we have them here in winter, and at SHenandoah Nat Park in the summer.

And this was not out the window - Little Emily, our "baby."


Vickie said...

Beautiful photos. I made zick dough last night mostly because of a pair of blue birds visiting my bird bath. It thawed enough today to see sun and a few insects flying. I'm just happy to have BB's around along with the other wintering birds.

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Oh Helen--- I ALWAYS enjoy your pictures. Today though, my favorite is beautiful Emily... What a Cutie!!!!


Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Lovely photos.It must be so special to have Bluebirds all winter.

Shelley said...

Emily is beautiful and looks like a sweetie!

George said...

You got some beautiful pictures out your window. I agree with Betsy, though, Emily is a cutie.

June said...

Not surprised to see Mr. Squirrel crashing the party :-)

2sweetnsaxy said...

You get such great shots without even having to leave your yard. And that Emily is just a cutie!! :-)

Yes, two more days. Yahoooo!

Anonymous said...

Book ends is a wonderful description. It's fun watching them take their turns and seeing where they will go to bring their meals or whether they will just stay and enjoy their meals straight from the lunch box.

Jayne said...

I know what you mean Helen. Many of the photos I upload are not nearly as vivid as they were when I decided to post them. Not sure what happens.

Love your beautiful birdies and your Emily is adorable. :c)

Anonymous said...

Amazing colours on those birds Helen and little Emily is sweet as well.

John Theberge said...

Great photos, I've been photographing the birds at my feeder too but it's a tad colder here.

Marsha said...

I haven't had a lot of computer time lately and to come here and see these beautiful photos just made my morning! You are so talented with the camera and these shots just take my breath away, what beautiful images and visitors out your well as the lovely Emily!

Roses and Lilacs said...

You have a wonderful view. All that beauty and activity just beyond the glass. I'm trying to talk myself into buying mealworms this spring to try and lure some bluebirds into my yard. Can't seem to get past the 'ick' factor;)

Stacey Olson said...

Great shots.. love the book ends. you don't get that opportunity every time.. thanks for sharing

Unknown said...

Beautiful series, the last image takes the cake

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Helen: Wonderful bird shots today. Our birds have really hidden themselves during this cold spell.

Unknown said...

It's always the small things, and the "never fail" aspect that puts birding in the rhythm of our lives, ie. the ones we see all the time, and never the once in a lifetime spot that sustain.

Mary said...

Beautiful shots and happy looking birds. I've been getting the Pine Siskins, too, but never a Bluebird. Emily is a real cutie!

Tina said...

Such calming and beautiful photos! How lucky to have these wonderful birds visit you everyday and on your backporch!! Emily is such a cutie..looks like you woke her up!

Redzlan said...

Great captured of so much variety out of your window.

Willard said...

Beautiful photos. Our feathered and furred friends make the cold winter days more enjoyable when they appear at the feeders and let us observe and photograph them.

It looks like Emily is enjoying the warmth inside.

NCmountainwoman said...

Sweet birds. I especially loved the photo of Emily. She looks so comfortable.

Eve said...

Oh Hi sweet Emily!!!
You're so lucky to have those wonderful bluebirds out your window everyday...I think that says something very nice about you Helen.
The bookends were funny too.

Craig Glenn said...

Very nice photo's. What is the first bird?


jalynn01 said...

Your birds are beautiful but your Emily was just perfectly adorable. Awwwwwwww.

abb said...

Little Emily...I love your baby...

I'm ordering that feeder - just got way-laid by usual. (sigh)

You call your squirrels funny little bandits. I call mine...well, never mind, I'm too polite to put it in print!

Nick S said...

All beauties Helen. You are so lucky to have Bluebirds at this time of year !

Ken Conger Photography said...

Nice series. The birdies are lucky they have someone like you to feed them during these cold spells. I agree with the others that Em is the fav. Blue Skies.

Pat said...

Enjoyed your photos !
Your pics make for a cheery day durning this cold winter.

1Green Thumb said...

Beautiful shots : )