Friday, January 9, 2009

Here's looking at you -


Shelley said...

That beautiful cardinal certainly brightens my day!

Betsy Banks Adams said...

Thanks Helen. I love the Cardinal --but I also love that quote. I just posted a picture of the mountains and their shadows today!

George said...

A great picture of the cardinal. I like your quote as well.

NCmountainwoman said...

Great capture of shadow and light. Just beautiful.

Roses and Lilacs said...

He's a handsome fellow. I'm worried about my birds. It's snowing and the seed scattered on the ground for the cardinals will be buried under snow (if it isn't already).

Eve said...

Very nice Helen!

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

Thnak-you for the reminder on that quote.The cardinal only enhances the quote.

abb said...

Your photos are always so good! And I love the words you put with them.

Tina said...

Such a soft looking picture of that cardinal. He looks like he is posing just for you..and of course the quote you chose is perfect for that picture. Well done, I liked it a lot!!

Anonymous said...

Another cool quote. All creatures great and small, in the light or hiding in the shadows, they are all here to experience.

Jayne said...

So true Helen... without the shadows, we'd not see the light as well. Beautiful.

Stacey Olson said...

Beautiful.. makes me appreciate the shadows more (wink) thanks for sharing these beautiful birds..

Redzlan said...

Beautiful cardinal in lovely posture.

This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Helen: So we are both showing Cardinals, yours is lovely in the tree.

Debra Trean said...

indeed.... I have never seen one of these red birds in person but admire the many photos I have seen of them.

Anonymous said...

Cheers, Klaus

I'm finally back and will start posting a boatload of new stuff!

Dave Coulter said...

I have a pair of cardinals that visit my feeder - when doves aren't looking! :)

2sweetnsaxy said...

I always enjoy your great photos. That quote under this one is wonderful. Sometimes we need to be reminded that without the shadows you can't appreciate the light.


Mary said...

A lovely card and lovely quote as always. I've been seeing too many shadows for good photos the last couple days. Maybe God gave me shadows to make me learn more about my camera :-)

John Theberge said...

Great photo, I'm hoping to eventually attract a cardinal to my feeder.