Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Back On-line

Today's Greeting

Baby Album

These babies fledged 4 1/2 weeks ago, and all five are all doing well. One is bigger than the others, one is much smaller. The second brood hatched last Saturday - 4 or 5 - I can't tell for sure. One egg was still there Sun AM, and it's gone, but the nest is deep, and I can't count them.

Wading Pool.....

Splish Splash....

Can I get out now, mama?

Yellow-billed cuckoo in our bird tree.

A few from Shenandoah..
Singing Veery..

Chestnut-sided Warbler

Female Redstart

And another peek at the newborn fawn.


This Is My Blog - fishing guy said...

Helen: You have wonderful pictures today. I so enjoy stopping by.

kjpweb said...

Good that you're back in "bidness".
Love the Cuckoo!
Cheers, Klaus

John Theberge said...

I enjoyed the birdbath pictures, they're very cute.

Jayne said...

That mom bluebird has a look on her face as if to say, "Young man, did you wash under your wings?" Too cute Helen!

Mary said...

Wonderful post! I never see any of those birds, so it's a treat to see such good shots of them. I'll never get tired of those baby bluebirds :-) Love the bath shot.

jalynn01 said...

Your baby blues are to die for as usual. Love the bath pictures and baby asking mom to get out!! The card very nice. Your fawn picture was just too sweet with it's little shiny nose sticking out. Lovely lovely lovely!!

Andrea said...

Hello,a very nice serie:expecially the pool pictures.


NCmountainwoman said...

Being a bird is not so carefree as we often imagine. Think of the stress of 2 or 3 broods a summer.

Lovely pictures (as always). Your blog is such a up-beat bright spot.

Anonymous said...

oh i love that little bathing beauty :) such a wide variety of birds who are your neighbors! or at least to my inexperienced eyes it looks that way. thanks for that first photo of the fluffy feathered baby. i love it :)
your friend, bird tweet robin from down the road

Shelley said...

Today's greeting was beautiful. I loved the birdbath - you captured such a great moment. And the fawn almost looked like he was smiling.

Anonymous said...

What an amazing backyard! I have never seen a Yellow-billed Cuckoo. And I'm so glad to see that the babies are doing well.

abb said...

LOVE the gerbera greeting card picture. And the sentiment that goes with it is perfect and perfectly true.

That baby bluebird bathing...doesn't get much better than that! Wonderful photos. You never disappoint!

2sweetnsaxy said...

This is my first visit to your blog. I'm so glad I found it. Your photos are amazing!