Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Early Bird

I woke up at 4:30 - just anxious to get some things done so I will have a little time outside before I have to leave for the store. I've been busy getting spring ordering done for Backyard Boutique..lots of great stuff is on the way. We're in a bluebird frenzy right now. Our area is blessed with a huge bluebird population, and we have a hard time keeping boxes, hardware and mealworms in stock! Yay!
For store updates, here's the website:, and the galleries are at
I did get a little photo session in before I went to work yesterday - the morning chorus was lovely.
Last year I had a nest of titmice in my second box - I hope they use it again.
Sparkling in the sunshine -

I guess the little white throat won't be here much longer - I'll miss his singing.

Too cute!

I love it when they puff all up! It was cold and windy.

This was a little soft, so I just "painted" a canvas! He has been feeding her off and on for several days, but yesterday evening, he was really getting into his groove. They both flew to the feeder several times with big mouthfuls of nesting. There are 3 feral cats that hang around nearby, and I'm nervous!


The Birdlady said...

Thanks, BG. And yes, it is just my favorite miracle - I am really worried about those cats, though.

Aunt "B's" Backyard said...

Some incredible shots as usual, Birdlady!! Never saw a Titmouse nest. Wish you the best with a new nesting. The Bluebirds are so angelic. I hope I get so lucky.

Thank you so much for your advise and assistance!!

The Birdlady said...

Thank you aunt b...I hope they will nest in your wonderful backyard this year.